Holy Spirit Led Functional Medicine

Empowering women to break free from past burdens and embrace a life of joy through faith-based functional medicine coaching, communities and courses.

Holy Spirit Led Functional Medicine

Empowering women to break free from past burdens and embrace a life of joy through faith-based functional medicine coaching, communities and courses.

✓  Experience Physical Transformation

✓ Discover Emotional Freedom

✓ Live with Unwavering Joy

In the midst of life's demands, you may find yourself:

  • Exhausted and overwhelmed by life's never-ending demands

  • Experiencing mental fog and emotional exhaustion

  • Struggling to truly connect with loved ones, despite your best efforts

  • Battling 'mom guilt' and doubting your worthiness of joy and fulfillment

Begin your journey from overwhelm to joy

with faith-based, personalized solutions.

Community Membership

Community Membership


Join a faith-filled community of women and experience the power of growth. In this community, you'll break free from isolation and mom guilt through access to live calls, courses, encouragement, insights, and shared success stories from like-minded women on their health journey.

Transformative Courses
(coming soon)

$97 per course

Transform your life with self-paced courses, designed to equip you with biblical tools and knowledge to overcome mental burnout, achieve emotional freedom, and cultivate lasting inner peace. Move from feeling drained to living a joyful, purpose-filled life.

Personalized Coaching Packages

Personalized Coaching Packages

Starting at $497

Achieve transformative breakthroughs with one-on-one, Spirit-led coaching. Our tailored approach addresses your case reviews, specific challenges, guiding you from feeling disconnected to embracing emotional resilience and holistic well-being as the woman God created you to be.

How it works

We work together to assess where you are.

Begin with a thorough assessment to understand your current emotional and physical health, identifying key areas for improvement.

We work through your
unique healing plan.

Together, we will develop and implement a personalized healing plan, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

You walk in the power and presence God created you for!

Experience lasting joy and inner peace as you progress through your healing journey.

"It's not supposed to be this way." Sound Familiar?

Meet Melissa, Your Guide to Holistic Healing

Board Certified RN, Holistic Nurse Coach, and Health & Wellness Nurse Coach (BC-HWNC)

As a functional medicine practitioner and devoted follower of Christ, Melissa has helped hundreds of women reclaim their health and rediscover their God-given purpose. With 14 years of nursing experience, including 10 years in traditional medicine, Melissa understands that when you're thinking, "It's not supposed to be this way," you need more than just symptom management.

My approach:

Combining scientific expertise with compassionate, faith-based care.

  • Listen intently to your story and concerns

  • Utilize advanced specialty functional lab testing to uncover root causes

  • Develop personalized treatment plans that honor your body's divine design

  • Integrate biblical principles for emotional and spiritual healing

  • Provide ongoing support and accountability throughout your journey

"My mission is to empower you to live the abundant life Christ promised – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Together, we'll unlock your body's God-given ability to recover and help you step into the fullness of who you were created to be." - Melissa

Transformed Lives: Real Women, Real Results

At Holistic Health By Melissa, I understand the overwhelming struggle of trying to balance it all while feeling disconnected and drained. As women of faith, we often put others first, neglecting our own well-being in the process. But here's the truth: you were created for more than just surviving – you were made to thrive. My unique approach combines biblical wisdom with cutting-edge functional medicine to address the root causes of your physical and emotional challenges. I believe that true healing encompasses mind, body, and spirit, and that's exactly what we offer. It's time to break free from the cycle of burnout and rediscover the joy-filled, purpose-driven life you were meant to live.

Download the Nervous System Guide and Workbook

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© Copyright 2024. Holistic Health by Melissa. All rights reserved.

Guiding women to holistic wellness through faith-integrated functional medicine.